LAURA CLERK - Not Goodbye...See You Later!
Could you please tell us if there was anything in particular about Techsploration that had drawn you to apply for this co-op position?
This opportunity became available to me due to my portfolio being on a job website. I worked with WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) at Acadia University and the extracurricular work I had been involved in with them aligned with work Techsploration does. Apart from matched interests, I believed that the work ethic Techsploration has, and their impact on the young women, inspired to me work with them.
What are your thoughts on the work Techsploration does for our youth?
I think Techsploration is beneficial and important at the same time. Statistics show that women are underrepresented in several fields and that is the core feature of Techsploration. Techsploration’s programming has been so impactful and I’m thankful for the opportunity to just read through the experiences of women who had taken this path to shape their futures. It is amazing to see how Techsploration provides young women with the chance to see careers that have been considered “not for women”. Techsploration truly is an amazing initiative!
What was the most exciting part of this co-op experience for you?
Definitely hearing people’s stories! I really loved interviewing and just hearing women talk about how they have come to the path that they are on now, where they see themselves in the future, and the obstacles the have overcome. It is truly inspiring!
How has Techsploration impacted your development as a professional?
As a professional, I polished a lot of skills such as communicating, designing, and multi-tasking; however, the networking skill with Techsploration stood out the most for me. It has provided me with great connections, and I got to meet amazing women within STEM. Most importantly, Techsploration reinforced and highlighted that I would love to work with a non-profit organization in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here.
What will be your key take-away from this role?
The biggest take-way for me was that, even with a small team, there is so much you can accomplish with that team. The women at Techsploration are absolutely incredible and they made this co-op experience so beneficial in many ways. There were so many professional opportunities that came my way because of them, and they genuinely cared for each other and the work they are doing, which I think matters the most and makes a huge difference.