MEET OUR BOARD - Tina Kelly, Past President
Academic Chair, School of Trades and Technology, NSCC IT Campus
“I have been a volunteer with Techsploration since its inception. Neither of my daughters attended Techsploration schools but, as a volunteer, I was able to take them with me to all of the events (Another great reason to volunteer 😊). Both of my daughters connected with role models through Techsploration that led them to their current careers. As a parent, this alone was worth a lifetime of volunteering! Morgan, now 29, is a Red Seal Heavy Equipment Mechanic. Her Techsploration role model was from Atlantic CAT and she won a scholarship supported by them to help pay for her education at NSCC. She now works for a CAT dealer in Alberta. Alexandra, my youngest daughter, is a graphic designer/videographer working for REDspace. Her first role model was the creator of our Women in Action video series. Alex now volunteers with her on our Techsploration Marketing Committee. Also, REDspace just completed the redevelopment of the Techsploration website employing an all women Technical Team with Alex as their web-designer! These types of connections clearly work. If I was an employer looking to grow top talent in my company, I would be supporting Techsploration.
I now work with NSCC; one of our founding partners. I am personally committed to enhancing learning environments and reducing systemic barriers that limit participation in higher education and our workforce of tomorrow. I love working and learning, and I believe building strong communities is the key to our success in Nova Scotia. My community-building work has led to the inception of several organizations including the Nova Scotia branches of Skills Canada and Habitat for Humanity, as well as several community development associations.”